Dalston Pavillion Public Programme - London School of Architecture


It was a privilege to be apart of the construction of this outdoor pavilion to host workshops for the local community and display work of architecture students.

As part of its 10th anniversary celebrations, the London School of Architecture (LSA) has opened its Dalston Pavilion, as part of the London Festival of Architecture (LFA).

The pavilion is a prototype of the LSA’s new in-house project delivery office, CITIZEN, which focuses on working with makers, community groups and local organisations. CITIZEN has designed and built the Pavilion with Arup and the New School of Furniture Making (also based in LSA’s building), with contributions from Studio Superfluo, Or This, OllyStudio, Orsman Construction and local residents, and generous donations from the Stephen Lawrence Day Foundation, the Marchus Trust, WISA, Latham Timber and E Roberts Timber.


Photography : Rikard Svalastoga Kahn


Dutch Elm Disease in the UK - Using effected timber to make lasting furniture.